Minggu, 26 Februari 2012

Playlist 19 Februari : The Dangerous Summer / Warpaint. Senandung patah hati dan kesepian, sejenak hujan di sepi hati.

Pop-Punk bukanlah berarti harus menjadi Hypebeast. Dinaungi Hopeless Records yg sebelumnya jg memegang band sejenis, All Time Low. Tidak menjadikan band ini sama dimata gw layaknya Pop-Punk 2000an seperti lainnya, meskipun mereka mungkin seperti itu. Album pertama mereka 'There is No Such Thing Like Science' cukup menarik, dilanjutkan Warpaint yg lebih Poppish justru memang, yaa pas saja. Entah kondisi hati atau apa, but they're one such great 2000s pop-punk bands. And i admit they were one of my favs for 2000s bands.

Pada album Warpaint, topik utama tetap membahas cinta. Dimulai dengan "Misscomunication" yg jelas membahas patah hati dengan tempo sedang pun mengubah suasana pada awal mendengarkan.. Dan sisa track pun mengikuti alur tempo. Kembali dilanjutkan dengan "Parachute" yg bisa dijadikan acuan untuk kembali bangun dari lelap Warpaint, diakhiri dengan "Waves" yg bs dibilang. Salah satu track terbaik di album ini, dan juga yg mungkin paling menghentak. Inilah memang Pop-Punk 2000an. Through the endless stream of the main market. Entah mereka terjebak arus atau memang sengaja menghanyutkan diri, you decide.

Sabtu, 18 Februari 2012


Are you an Indonesian? or lives in Indonesia? or, You'd just hear about them, FPI. from news? knew how suck them, and no one can stop them? come and join us. the new generation of 'Brained' indonesian and sign this petition, Here. come join us, and bravely said, NO FUCKIN FPI!

Home Brew - 'Listen To Us'

Kamis, 02 Februari 2012

The Palace

It won't be any farther again, i had walked many walk that i walked. and now i knew where to walks, just don't wanted to get lost in the same nowhere, that used to makes the same ryhme.. specially everytime i closed my eyes. it always beginning with the same scene.. well then, hope my new runs don't set me on the other nowhere again. ciao