Selasa, 10 Mei 2011

another thing came up, and the last thing i remembered i'm hungry

it's noon already, and i'm still exhausted. yesterday, and 3 days before it. i'm on a trip to jogja with my school.. glad to know that the mood-breaker wasn't joining the trip, it's started with a bad norm to stay, and ended with a late-coming friends to bus, and we've got to late to back to jakarta at half till one hour.. well, at least. it's a good quality time to hung with friends, and smoke. tasted many thing's there.

and today, i"m back in jakarta, doing my hgih school test, hell ya. i don't really paid many attention to my count today.. it's damn freezing and i'm not in a good condition tho. well, it's not really bad, meeting new friends, chit-chat. wow. how'd i miss a moment lyk thiss.

and, at the end of this post. just wanted to said, for all the forgotten folks out there. go out and  forget all the shit u still want to be yer girlf/boyf. there's sucha hell much good guy/gals. yer just like a stupid laze dog. getting fat and fat day by day. and exiled one day because too fat and couldn't cought a buglar. Go Out And Blast.

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