Sabtu, 01 Oktober 2011

the unsaid

geez, been a long time, eh? kayaknya kali ini gw engga posting bahasa inggris deh. based on some bad day, gw memproklamirkan bahwa gw sekarang ini bener bener kesepian, demi apa? demi lovato dong. haha, damn stupid joke. yupp, been hangin' around the days, found somebody that you took youre attention and pissed does hurt, tapi ya.. life's a bitch lah.tapi kalo ditanya, jujur gw masih kangen dengan eberapa cewe yg pernah deket sama gw. entah karena gw kesepian, or what. i missed them, the laugh, the joy, the crying moment... dammn. hate that, inti dari post random ini adalah, i miss you, you. yeah, you... all of you that had contaminate this head.

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